All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 in total
Fernando Perez: Our Most Awarded Guest to Date
Brian and Don welcome a much anticipated guest for this episode, Professor Fernando Perez joins us for an episode of 26.1 AI Podcast. Dr. Perez speaks about his journe...

[2/2] Built from Open Source Software: Coiled Team Visits 26.1 AI Podcast
[Part 2 of 2] Listeners join in for a wonderful conversation in this episode. Our guests Matthew Rocklin and Hugo Bowne-Anderson are extending access to powerful distr...

[1/2] Built from Open Source Software: Coiled Team Visits 26.1 AI Podcast
[Part 1 of 2] Listeners join in for a wonderful conversation in this episode. Our guests Matthew Rocklin and Hugo Bowne-Anderson are extending access to powerful d...

Tileli Amimeur of Just - Evotec Biologics -- A fascinating career journey
Tileli Amimeur changed direction from a fast track traditional software career based on intriguing invitation to apply coding to biology. This shift followed study in ...

Tips on AI Procurement Relevant for Buyers and Founders
Our prior guest e2f CEO Michel Lopez introduced this week's guest. Intento founder Konstantin Savenkov walks us through a tutorial on how to buy and sell AI. A dense e...

Dr. Kingsley Ndoh, UW Faculty of Global Health and a Founder of Regista Health
Our guest Kingsley Ndoh, MD has a global health project centered in Ondo state in Nigeria, where he endeavors to collect the largest set of cancer related data on peop...

Michel Lopez founder and CEO of e2f shares with listeners the challenges of collecting voice data
Our guest for this episode shares with us the challenges their firm e2f faces when collecting data for training voice AI applications. Michel Lopez started early on an...

Creator of #NeverAgainTech Shreya Nallapati Joins 26.1 AI Podcast
Our guest this week Shreya Nallapati founded an organization to help prevent mass shootings. From the #NeverAgainTech website, a quote from Shreya explaining her passi...

Ian Bicking: Open Source Guru and author to Mozilla Voice
Our guest this week on 26.1 AI Podcast is the long time Open Source Guru Ian Bicking. If you are a Python developer and ever typed, "pip," at the command line you can ...

David Law of Maven Wave Shares a New Open Source Project for EDA
Our host Brian Ray's staff colleague David Law joins with a special treat. David has led development of an open source project titled "data⎰describe". This Python pack...

Dr. David Beck the Director of Research and Education at eScience Institute University of Washington
During the episode we discuss something Professor Beck is passionate about, getting more scholars into the data science fold. University of Washington's eScience Insti...

New Stars of Analytics, Current Stanford Student and Facebook Intern Divya Nagaraj
Our friend Ruthe Farmer the Chief Strategy Officer of CSforALL and founder of Last Mile Fund brought to our attention amazing women of her network embarking on careers...

26.1 AI Podcast international tour visits with Rakuten Ventures's Saemin Ahn
International tour continues with a stop in Singapore with a Korean managing partner of a venture fund subsidiary of a Japanese ecommerce and fintech giant. Our 21st e...

Ernesto Rodriguez di Paolo, 26.1 AI Podcast International Tour Continues
Brian and Don have worked hard over many years building community for Pythonistas. Wonder how many folks in the Python community knows about Uruguay as a hotbed of Pyt...

Alex Vayner joins us to discuss if companies should buy vs. build AI capabilities
In this episode we discuss with Alex how executives should think about the decision of buying of-the shelf software solution vs. building the solution in-house, by you...

Chris Loy a founder and CTO of London Artificial Intelligence startup Datasine
Our 26.1 AI Podcast's global tour continues with a visit with Chris Loy founder of London startup Datasine. Datasine applies machine learning to help companies talk wi...

JOGL Founder Leo Blondel: 26.1 AI Podcast International Edition France
Brian and Don host Just One Giant Lab founder Leo Blondel. JOGL melds open source software practices with scientific research. Members can treat their research project...

26.1 AI Podcast's 31st Episode with Phaze Ventures's Masoud Al - Rawahi
Our 31st episode is our first international exploration visiting with Phaze Ventures's Managing Partner Masoud Al -- Rawahi. Headquartered in Muscat, Oman, Masoud and ...

Dr. Beverly Wright on building Industry and Academia partnerships in Data Science
Dr. Beverly Wright talks about how she stays connected to Universities and Institutes. She explains how Corporate America can connect better with schools and activate ...

Don Miner: from early adoption to recently being acquired by Atos
Don Miner speaks candidly about his AI firm being acquired by 110k headcount Atos. He joins our host Brian Ray as a colleague. Dr. Miner was an early adopter of big da...

Gert De Geyter: AI in Astrophysics applied to business
Gert De Geyter started his journey towards AI, modeling our galaxy as a notable astrophysics scholar. to He transitioned from academia to solving business problems usi...

COVID-19 Cure and Artificial Intelligence: Andrew Satz CEO of EVQLV
Traditional wet lab approaches to find a cure for COVID-19 could take decades. Using artificial intelligence, Andrew Satz and Brett Averso are saving ImmunoPrecise Ant...

Brett Averso: CTO at EVQLV solving CORONA with AI
The name "EVQLV" looks itself like a amino acid sequence. Digging deeper, Don and Brian share with our listeners this fast-paced startup leading the race to find a tre...

Check-in with our listeners in time of COVID-19
Hi folks, we just wanted to check-in with everybody. Our normal publishing time is 2am, Tuesday. Last week we missed publishing an episode, because we wanted to take a...

Bryan Hale of Allen Institute for AI Incubator shares outlook on AI startups
Bryan Hale, managing director of AI2's incubator, shares what his org is doing to support AI entrepreneurs. We discuss favorable outcomes from Seattle's AI startup eco...

Travis Oliphant -- the Pythonista who made Python relevant for science
Revisit the early days of Travis Oliphant's contributions to scientific Python and by extension Python's relevance to AI. Catch-up on the high energy, current efforts ...

Scott Draeger on delivering AI
Scott helps customers apply AI, NLP, and ML to reduce their technical debt. He comes from the front lines document management industry for over 20 years and provides a...

Brian and Don recap episodes 11 through 20
Brian and Don recap the most recent ten episodes of 26.1 AI Podcast. For new listeners or anybody catching up on missed episodes, this edition provides a nice index to...

Dominique Davis : into the experience of Data Scientists
During this Episode we speak with Dominique about how she repurposed her academic research in the areas of neuroscience, music cognition, psycholinguistics, and multis...

Denny Lee of Databricks Joins Us
Our 19th episode's guest Denny Lee joins us to share some of the developments at Databricks. Also, he shares a persuasive argument that traditional data professionals ...